Cubera Finance Announces Launch of Progressive DeFi Staking Platform

Press Release: The Cubera DeFi staking platform is in its early access phase and will soon offer users a safe, streamlined environment in which to stake their assets across multiple chains. 

December 15, 2023, Oslo, Norway Cryptocurrency users can now embark on an exploration of the innovative DeFi landscape, and earn rewards on the Cubera multi-chain staking platform. The team at Cubera are excited to unveil a trailblazing platform that synergizes staking, yield optimization, and auto-compounding on a unified, transparent environment. 

Cubera DeFi Reward Staking 

The Cubera platform has been developed to offer a transparent, streamlined experience for users to manage and grow their portfolio whilst still being able to utilize their assets across multiple DeFi platforms. The company is heavily focused on transparency and building trust amongst its growing community. 

Cubera is committed to harnessing the power of DeFi and DAOs to bring users an open-source platform that offers complete transparency across all operations, strategies, and accessibility to all types of crypto users. 

Platform Features

Cubera has revolutionized the yield farming process by automating compounding, effectively making time and effort secondary considerations. This innovation not only streamlines the process but also significantly reduces associated costs, thereby enhancing the yield potential for all users.

Cubera offers a wide array of innovative features, each integral to crafting a comprehensive solution for maximizing yield optimization. These features include: 

  • Auto-Compounding Vaults: Tailored to maximize yields in specific scenarios.
  • Cubera AutoSwap tool: Streamlines the swapping process with its innovative ZAP feature, allowing users to effortlessly transition between different assets. 
  • Agile Integration: Cubera adeptly navigates the blockchain ecosystem, seamlessly integrating with a diverse range of protocols.
  • Fair Revenue Sharing: Cubera enables extending staking benefits to include participation in governance and profit sharing.
  • Cutting-Edge Strategies: A pioneer, continuously navigating and often setting the course for yield farming innovations.

Supported Networks for Staking

Initially Cubera will offer asset staking on Ethereum, Optimism, Polygon Arbitrum, BNB, Avalanche, and Base. Users can choose from at least 38 different protocols for earning staking rewards across these networks. For the full list of protocols visit the official page here. 

A Future to Look Forward to

Cubera is building a strong staking network built on trust and transparency. The company is collaborating with reputable partners to enhance these values and ensure the safety of its community. Cubera aims to redefine the DeFi playing field by automating the intricate process of yield farming and opening up a vast array of opportunities for those who choose to collaborate with Cubera. 

Anyone interested in experiencing Cubera in its early access phase and stepping into a new era of DeFi can do so here

Media Contact Details

Contact Name: John Koroma

Contact Email:  

Cubera Finance is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.

The post Cubera Finance Announces Launch of Progressive DeFi Staking Platform appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.

Bitcoin PR Buzz – The Original Bitcoin PR Agency – Bitcoin PR Buzz | Since 2012

Source: BRPB Feed

Visionary Patri Friedman Joins to Create the Ultimate DeFi Stablecoin Protocol

Press Release: Decentralized stablecoin project is pioneering a next-generation over-collateralized stablecoin infrastructure, backed by industry experts including Patri Friedman, grandson of  pioneering economist and statistician, Milton Friedman. 


September 7th, 2022, Berlin, Germany  – The cryptocurrency market has catapulted to new heights over the past few years, prompting a significant rise in the demand for stablecoins. As a result, the market’s most popular stablecoin, Tether USD, saw its market cap grow twenty-fold to over $82 billion in the second quarter of 2022.  


The demand has also led to the spectacular growth in projects experimenting with other approaches to stability. The most infamous example is Terra Luna, which took a pure algorithmic approach. However, as has been widely reported, Terra Luna went on to collapse for a number of reasons, the primary of which was the inherent flaws in a pure algorithmic model. is from the team behind one of the oldest bitcoin exchanges proposes a new global standard for decentralized stablecoins backed by tokenized physical assets as well as crypto assets. uses an over-collateralized model in which users ‘lock up’ assets in individual smart contracts called ‘Smart Vaults’. The DeFi protocol then allows users to borrow against these assets by minting new stablecoins pegged to any fiat they want at zero interest. Like any loan, government inflation decreases the value of their liability over time.


As a result, eliminates the need for a centralized entity to maintain a peg and leverages inflation in favor of stakers.


Patri Friedman, advisor to, commented:


“I’m thrilled to be advising TheStandard as they build a system to unlock the massive potential liquidity of hard assets such as precious metals. By using these as reserves to back over-collateralized stablecoins in any fiat currency, their system combines the safety of owning gold with the liquidity of bank deposits.”


Josh Scigala, CEO and founder of further commented: 


“Patri Friedman is a true visionary, bringing startup cities and sea steading to life. He comes from a family whose legacy is very much aligned to the philosophy and goals of The Standard Stablecoin Protocol. Individual liberty, backing currency with rare assets, and market forces as governance.”


Patri Friedman will help The Standard DAO create the blockchain infrastructure needed for startup cities to have functional, central bank independent currencies backed by rare assets. He will also help build connections with other influential thinkers, VC’s and entrepreneurs in this exciting space.


A Roadmap to a New Standard will first launch sEURO, a stablecoin which will maintain a value of 1 EUR. This launch will happen in the following stages called Operation Deep Liquidity:


  1. Initial Bonding Curve Offering
  2. DEX Liquidity Bonding event
  3. TST (’s native token) staking and rewards.


The Initial Bonding Curve Offering will incentivise participants with up to a 20% discount when purchasing the first sEURO stablecoin, allowing the build up of the Protocol Controlled Value (PCV). The concept of a bonding curve is to enable the build-up of reserve assets in exchange for the minting of sEURO at a discount for early participants. Tokens that can be initially converted into sEURO are Ethereum, PAX gold, wrapped bitcoin and Matic.


The second stage focuses on building up deep liquidity for the trading pair sEURO/USDC (or another pegged stablecoin. This was inspired by Olympus DAO, allowing the protocol to own liquidity in the pools rather than renting it from yield farmers. Users deposit their sEURO and USDT into The Standard DAO’s bonding contract which will be locked in a Uniswap liquidity pool. The longer the bond maturity, the higher the yield. The aim is to ensure deep liquidity and stabilize sEURO whilst continuing to reward early participants.


Finally, the DeFi protocol will also launch with a membership/governance token called TST (The Standard Token). Users can also stake TST to earn rewards which originate from the yield earned by the DAO when placing the liquidity from the PCV into safe yield farming activities. Users will be able to vote on where and how much to allocate to a specific activity.


Find out more about this three stage process here


About is pioneering a new stablecoin infrastructure for the cryptocurrency market. Its vision is for the creation of a framework that enables stablecoins to represent every “fiat currency on Earth”, a milestone no other stablecoin has been able to achieve thus far. This ambition is evident in its brand, with ‘The Standard’ being a reference to the infamous ‘Gold Standard’ which created a currency full-backed by gold held by the State. is driven by veteran cryptocurrency enthusiasts who make up the pioneering team. They include Protocol Lead Joshua Scigala, co-founder of (one of the world’s first bitcoin exchanges), Philip Scigala, CEO and co-founder of Vaultoro, who first entered the space in 2010, Ecosystems Operations manager Ana Valdes, a master in foreign affairs, and Head of Engineering, Simon Morley, CTO of 


This team has also attracted influential players in both the TradFi and DeFi spaces, including Patri Friedman, the father of smart contract auditing Hartej Sawhney, Social Development Evangelist Dr Jane Thomason and ecosystem builder Faraj Abutalibov just to name a few. 


To read more about The Standard DAO and its mission to re-shape the stablecoin space, visit their website here.

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THESTANDARD is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. 


Source: thinkbitcoins

Hackless Pioneers B2B & B2C Security Tool for DeFi, Saving Nearly $500,000 for Clients

Hackless Pioneers B2B & B2C Security Tool for DeFi, Saving Nearly $500,000 for Clients

Press Release: DeFi protection solution, Hackless, is pioneering a new security tool which has so far saved funds worth just under $500,000 from hacked addresses.  


August 10th, London, United Kingdom – ETHLisbon Hackathon winners Hackless has designed a comprehensive security platform which aims to protect the decentralized finance (DeFi) world from targeted exploits, as well as safely migrate funds from individual wallets and protocols under attack.


Hackless works at the infrastructure level of EVM-compatible blockchains, uniting several elements from the blockchain ecosystem in order to strengthen a DeFi protocol’s security from the lowest levels of its ecosystem.


The platform has three core services which it uses to help defend against exploits and recover funds:


  • Watchdog – A mempool monitoring tool which tracks suspicious transactions. 
  • SafeMigrate (B2B) – The first-to-market service which ensures that funds can be successfully migrated from a paused DeFi protocol that is being attacked.


  • Conductor (B2C) – A private mining provider that ensures the safe and undetectable migration of user’s funds from compromised wallets.


The Hackless team believes this type of active protection is critical to the future innovation in the DeFi space given the substantial increase in the value of assets being locked up in DeFi applications.


Serhii Androsiuk, co-founder and CEO of Hackless, commented:


“The daunting thing about DeFi right now is that the rising tide of recent security exploits seems to out-speed the adoption and development of DeFi as such. Seven of the ten largest crypto thefts from January 2021 to March 2022 involved DeFi protocols. Frequent brutal exploits of flash loan protocols, cross-chain bridges and individual crypto wallets stress the need for a powerful security tool which is capable of boosting industry’s security level right away. We envision Hackless as a comprehensive platform that offers solutions both for DeFi protocols and individual investors. When used by all types of DeFi players it will enhance the overall protection giving a boost to industry’s growth.”


Hackless In Action

Earlier this year, A.I. and blockchain-powered virtual assistant services platform VAIOT was subject to a brutal exploit. Attackers tried and succeeded to take ownership of several of the platform’s operational wallets, containing its native currency VAI, which are critical for the functioning of its services. This resulted in the theft and freezing of several million VAI and tens of thousands worth of ETH and BNB, belonging to both their users and VAIOT itself.


The Hackless team integrated with VAIOT, contributing their expertise to the effort to safely migrate the frozen assets from the contract owned by the attacker. Using a variety of techniques and tools utilized in the Hackless product itself, the team were able to successfully help VAIOT recover $400,000 in frozen assets, whilst ensuring both the techniques and their employment remained undetected to the attacker.   


This successful case study was followed in quick succession by other examples of Hackless in action. The first involved a user who had their private keys stolen (a theft all too common in the crypto space) following a phishing attack. The attacker then monitored the wallet, draining all funds as soon as they appeared, leaving the user unable to access their NFTs worth ~$4,000. In this case, Hackless was able to deploy two key features of its product, the Conductor and SafeMigrate. The team were able to retrieve all the user’s NFTs to an uncompromised wallet without the attacker being aware.  


The second was a similar case, only the amount stolen was significantly higher at $87,000. Deploying the same features, Hackless was able to recover this amount quickly, proving again not only that there is demand for this service, but that their tools work. Consequently, both the Conductor and SafeMigrate form part of Hackless’ core offering, which is now available to the public. 


Securing the Future of DeFi with Hackless

Hackless has demonstrated its DeFi security pedigree in the wild. Its mission to provide a robust security layer between Ethereum and its many DeFi protocols, is inspired and facilitated by the experience of its Ukraine-based team. Co-Founders Serhii Androsiuk and Pavel Radchuk have extensive experience in the blockchain space, with both having worked with various DeFi and NFT projects since 2017. Androsiuk is also a veteran of the banking sector, lending his expertise in growing projects to scale to the Hackless team. 


This year has seen the beginning of the architectural design for its modular platform, as well as production-ready services. The roadmap this year still has a number of exciting developments to come, including its staking program (Q3 2022), V1 Conductor (Q3 2022) and V1 SafeMigrate (Q4 2022). 


Combined with partnerships with leading DeFi projects such as Blaize and Zokyo, Hackless is well positioned to deliver a much needed security solution for the DeFi space.


To read more about Hackless and its pioneering solution to protect DeFi assets, visit their website here.


Follow Hackless on Twitter

Join the Hackless community on Telegram 

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Read the Hackless blog on Medium


Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Nataliia Maslennykova

Contact Email: 


HACKLESS is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. 

The post Hackless Pioneers B2B & B2C Security Tool for DeFi, Saving Nearly $500,000 for Clients appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.

Bitcoin PR Buzz – World´s First Crypto PR Agency with 9+ Years, 900+ clients, 1500+ press releases

Source: BRPB Feed

Hackless Pioneers B2B & B2C Security Tool for DeFi, Saving Nearly $500,000 for Clients

Hackless Pioneers B2B & B2C Security Tool for DeFi, Saving Nearly $500,000 for Clients

Press Release: DeFi protection solution, Hackless, is pioneering a new security tool which has so far saved funds worth just under $500,000 from hacked addresses.  


August 10th, London, United Kingdom – ETHLisbon Hackathon winners Hackless has designed a comprehensive security platform which aims to protect the decentralized finance (DeFi) world from targeted exploits, as well as safely migrate funds from individual wallets and protocols under attack.


Hackless works at the infrastructure level of EVM-compatible blockchains, uniting several elements from the blockchain ecosystem in order to strengthen a DeFi protocol’s security from the lowest levels of its ecosystem.


The platform has three core services which it uses to help defend against exploits and recover funds:


  • Watchdog – A mempool monitoring tool which tracks suspicious transactions. 
  • SafeMigrate (B2B) – The first-to-market service which ensures that funds can be successfully migrated from a paused DeFi protocol that is being attacked.


  • Conductor (B2C) – A private mining provider that ensures the safe and undetectable migration of user’s funds from compromised wallets.


The Hackless team believes this type of active protection is critical to the future innovation in the DeFi space given the substantial increase in the value of assets being locked up in DeFi applications.


Serhii Androsiuk, co-founder and CEO of Hackless, commented:


“The daunting thing about DeFi right now is that the rising tide of recent security exploits seems to out-speed the adoption and development of DeFi as such. Seven of the ten largest crypto thefts from January 2021 to March 2022 involved DeFi protocols. Frequent brutal exploits of flash loan protocols, cross-chain bridges and individual crypto wallets stress the need for a powerful security tool which is capable of boosting industry’s security level right away. We envision Hackless as a comprehensive platform that offers solutions both for DeFi protocols and individual investors. When used by all types of DeFi players it will enhance the overall protection giving a boost to industry’s growth.”


Hackless In Action

Earlier this year, A.I. and blockchain-powered virtual assistant services platform VAIOT was subject to a brutal exploit. Attackers tried and succeeded to take ownership of several of the platform’s operational wallets, containing its native currency VAI, which are critical for the functioning of its services. This resulted in the theft and freezing of several million VAI and tens of thousands worth of ETH and BNB, belonging to both their users and VAIOT itself.


The Hackless team integrated with VAIOT, contributing their expertise to the effort to safely migrate the frozen assets from the contract owned by the attacker. Using a variety of techniques and tools utilized in the Hackless product itself, the team were able to successfully help VAIOT recover $400,000 in frozen assets, whilst ensuring both the techniques and their employment remained undetected to the attacker.   


This successful case study was followed in quick succession by other examples of Hackless in action. The first involved a user who had their private keys stolen (a theft all too common in the crypto space) following a phishing attack. The attacker then monitored the wallet, draining all funds as soon as they appeared, leaving the user unable to access their NFTs worth ~$4,000. In this case, Hackless was able to deploy two key features of its product, the Conductor and SafeMigrate. The team were able to retrieve all the user’s NFTs to an uncompromised wallet without the attacker being aware.  


The second was a similar case, only the amount stolen was significantly higher at $87,000. Deploying the same features, Hackless was able to recover this amount quickly, proving again not only that there is demand for this service, but that their tools work. Consequently, both the Conductor and SafeMigrate form part of Hackless’ core offering, which is now available to the public. 


Securing the Future of DeFi with Hackless

Hackless has demonstrated its DeFi security pedigree in the wild. Its mission to provide a robust security layer between Ethereum and its many DeFi protocols, is inspired and facilitated by the experience of its Ukraine-based team. Co-Founders Serhii Androsiuk and Pavel Radchuk have extensive experience in the blockchain space, with both having worked with various DeFi and NFT projects since 2017. Androsiuk is also a veteran of the banking sector, lending his expertise in growing projects to scale to the Hackless team. 


This year has seen the beginning of the architectural design for its modular platform, as well as production-ready services. The roadmap this year still has a number of exciting developments to come, including its staking program (Q3 2022), V1 Conductor (Q3 2022) and V1 SafeMigrate (Q4 2022). 


Combined with partnerships with leading DeFi projects such as Blaize and Zokyo, Hackless is well positioned to deliver a much needed security solution for the DeFi space.


To read more about Hackless and its pioneering solution to protect DeFi assets, visit their website here.


Follow Hackless on Twitter

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Read the Hackless blog on Medium


Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Nataliia Maslennykova

Contact Email: 


HACKLESS is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. 

The post Hackless Pioneers B2B & B2C Security Tool for DeFi, Saving Nearly $500,000 for Clients appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.

Bitcoin PR Buzz – World´s First Crypto PR Agency with 9+ Years, 900+ clients, 1500+ press releases

Source: BPRB Feed

Source: thinkbitcoins

YOP Finance Launches Three-Click Yield Farming Platform for DeFi

YOP Finance Launches Three-Click Yield Farming Platform for DeFi

Press Release: YOP Finance has launched a platform that lets users earn the highest passive income on their crypto across top blockchain platforms from a clean, simple, and easy-to-use application.


May 24th, 2022, Seychelles – YOP Finance, the DeFi interface that lets users earn passive income on their crypto assets, is now live for all users. Following a highly successful private launch, this will be the first time all users will be able to use the platform. Users can take advantage of the YOP vaults and earn passive income on their crypto with APYs as high as 65%. The platform is designed to be intuitive and extremely easy to use, removing any barriers to entry for the average investor to earn passive income that were earlier available to only a select few.


Since its public launch, the platform has already reached over $1Million in TVL, with $600,000 being locked in the first 72 hours. The YOP vaults will initially have increased caps to enable a large number of users to invest and earn passive income on their digital assets. 


Getting Started With YOP

The YOP Finance vaults were launched to all users on 4 May 2022, where users could head to the vaults app and start depositing their crypto. Users can access the Vaults by depositing either stablecoins or wBTC and wETH. 


The YOP vaults are a combination of multiple strategies put together with different weights to offer maximum returns while reducing risk exposure. Using smart contracts, these vaults continually reinvest earnings, compounding returns and achieving maximum yield for investors.


While the platform already offers high base APYs, users can unlock even higher returns with YOP’s booster feature. Users simply have to stake $YOP tokens in the YOP LockBox to increase earnings. The higher the stake in the LockBox, the more significant APY boost each user gets. The Boost is in the form of a multiplier x1 — x10, which applies to the Reward APY, which is above the base APY of the vault.


Post a successful launch, Barry Downes, COO of Pluto Digital, the parent company of YOP, said: 

“YOP makes participation in a complicated area of crypto simple and accessible for all giving people the control, insights, and flexibility all from a single application. Now anyone can start staking their crypto and start earning a passive income with a click of a button.”

About YOP 

YOP Finance offers an opportunity for passive income to anyone looking to make returns on their crypto without having to deep-dive into the world of DeFi. Removing the redundant jargon and extra clumsy UIs, the YOP platform makes investing and earning simple for everyone. The platform is secured by an in-house team of security specialists and audited by industry-leading crypto entities. 


The team behind the YOP platform is a transparent and deanonymized mix of seasoned builders with crypto natives. The team combined has decades of experience building simple yet effective products that can shape the future. 


As the public launch concludes, YOP is excited to bring more features to its investors. With the $YOP utility token, investors can enter a rich ecosystem that offers stellar APYs and much more. 


For more about YOP Finance and its new passive income focussed platform, visit their main website here.


Check out the YOP app

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Contribute to the YOP conversation on Discord

Join the YOP community on Telegram 

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Read the YOP blog on Medium


Media Contact Details

Contact Name: George Turpin

Contact Email:


YOP Finance is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. 


The post YOP Finance Launches Three-Click Yield Farming Platform for DeFi appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.

Bitcoin PR Buzz – World´s First Crypto PR Agency with 9+ Years, 900+ clients, 1500+ press releases

Source: BPRB Feed

Source: thinkbitcoins

YOP Finance Launches Three-Click Yield Farming Platform for DeFi

YOP Finance Launches Three-Click Yield Farming Platform for DeFiconsole.debug(‘TRINITY_WP’, ‘Skip player from rendering’, ‘is single: , is main loop: 1, is main query: 1’);console.debug(‘TRINITY_WP’, ‘trinity_content_filter’);

Press Release: YOP Finance has launched a platform that lets users earn the highest passive income on their crypto across top blockchain platforms from a clean, simple, and easy-to-use application.


May 24th, 2022, Seychelles – YOP Finance, the DeFi interface that lets users earn passive income on their crypto assets, is now live for all users. Following a highly successful private launch, this will be the first time all users will be able to use the platform. Users can take advantage of the YOP vaults and earn passive income on their crypto with APYs as high as 65%. The platform is designed to be intuitive and extremely easy to use, removing any barriers to entry for the average investor to earn passive income that were earlier available to only a select few.


Since its public launch, the platform has already reached over $1Million in TVL, with $600,000 being locked in the first 72 hours. The YOP vaults will initially have increased caps to enable a large number of users to invest and earn passive income on their digital assets. 


Getting Started With YOP

The YOP Finance vaults were launched to all users on 4 May 2022, where users could head to the vaults app and start depositing their crypto. Users can access the Vaults by depositing either stablecoins or wBTC and wETH. 


The YOP vaults are a combination of multiple strategies put together with different weights to offer maximum returns while reducing risk exposure. Using smart contracts, these vaults continually reinvest earnings, compounding returns and achieving maximum yield for investors.


While the platform already offers high base APYs, users can unlock even higher returns with YOP’s booster feature. Users simply have to stake $YOP tokens in the YOP LockBox to increase earnings. The higher the stake in the LockBox, the more significant APY boost each user gets. The Boost is in the form of a multiplier x1 — x10, which applies to the Reward APY, which is above the base APY of the vault.


Post a successful launch, Barry Downes, COO of Pluto Digital, the parent company of YOP, said: 

“YOP makes participation in a complicated area of crypto simple and accessible for all giving people the control, insights, and flexibility all from a single application. Now anyone can start staking their crypto and start earning a passive income with a click of a button.”

About YOP 

YOP Finance offers an opportunity for passive income to anyone looking to make returns on their crypto without having to deep-dive into the world of DeFi. Removing the redundant jargon and extra clumsy UIs, the YOP platform makes investing and earning simple for everyone. The platform is secured by an in-house team of security specialists and audited by industry-leading crypto entities. 


The team behind the YOP platform is a transparent and deanonymized mix of seasoned builders with crypto natives. The team combined has decades of experience building simple yet effective products that can shape the future. 


As the public launch concludes, YOP is excited to bring more features to its investors. With the $YOP utility token, investors can enter a rich ecosystem that offers stellar APYs and much more. 


For more about YOP Finance and its new passive income focussed platform, visit their main website here.


Check out the YOP app

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Contribute to the YOP conversation on Discord

Join the YOP community on Telegram 

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Read the YOP blog on Medium


Media Contact Details

Contact Name: George Turpin

Contact Email:


YOP Finance is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. 


The post YOP Finance Launches Three-Click Yield Farming Platform for DeFi appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.

Bitcoin PR Buzz – World´s First Crypto PR Agency with 9+ Years, 900+ clients, 1500+ press releases

Source: BRPB Feed

Acta Finance Enters The Avalanche Ecosystem After Successfully Rebranding From ADA Finance

Acta Finance Enters The Avalanche Ecosystem After Successfully Rebranding From ADA Financeconsole.debug(‘TRINITY_WP’, ‘Skip player from rendering’, ‘is single: , is main loop: 1, is main query: 1’);console.debug(‘TRINITY_WP’, ‘trinity_content_filter’);

Press Release: DeFi ecosystem, ADA Finance, has rebranded to Acta Finance, launching a new native token $ACTA, as well as developing its own AMM, ActaFi Swap.


March 14th, 2022, Mahe Victoria, Seychelles – ADA Finance, a pioneering decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem which will operate on Avalanche initially, has successfully completed a rebrand, changing its name to Acta Finance (ActaFi). In addition to this rebrand, the ActaFi team have also been developing their own native Automated Market Maker (AMM) protocol, ActaFi Swap.


The ActaFi team took the name ‘Acta’ from the latin phrase ‘Acta non verba’, which translates to ‘deeds not words’ reflecting the team’s focus on substantive development and community building within the crypto space. 


Commenting on the rebrand, ActaFi’s CEO & Founder, Christof Waton, said:


“Initially, we only wanted to launch on Cardano, but we couldn’t risk oru investors’ funds developing on an early-stage blockchain that is still prone to vulnerabilities and scalability issues. Therefore we started to develop the same ecosystem, within the same project, on Avalanche in parallel. The name ADA Finance limited the interest of people that are anti or neutral towards ADA / Cardano, with our token on Avalanche and utilities on Avalanche, it was better to perform the rebrand to a neutral name, hence Acta Finance.” 


Pioneering the DeFi space

ActaFi’s rebrand is accompanied by several new feature releases and announcements which will lay the foundation for ActaFi Swap. The first is an onchain affiliate program which will incentivise Acta community members to attract new users to the ecosystem, encouraging organic community growth. 


This will work in conjunction with the onchain staking of $ACTA, the ecosystem’s new token. Users will be able to stake $ACTA in the normal way, maturing their stake to claim governance rights in the ecosystem’s new decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) when it becomes available. 

TGE incentives for $ACTA will be made public on April 5th, 2022 and both $ACTA staking and the ecosystem’s affiliate program are currently being audited by Solidity Finance. 


A New Approach to AMMs

ActaFi’s new AMM, ActaFi Swap, is set to launch later in 2022 and will include several new features which put it at the cutting edge of AMM protocols. 


Firstly, ActaFi Swap will follow Uniswap v3’s concentrated liquidity model, a model that allows liquidity to be allocated within a custom price range. Although this requires more maintenance than the passive function adopted by most common AMMs, the ability to customize price ranges  allows liquidity providers to provide their capital in a more efficient way according to their needs. As a result it is preferred by experienced digital asset managers, market makers and funds as it allows them to act more dynamically to market changes. 


Secondly, the ActaFi team is targeting decentralization and interoperability from the offset like competing aggregators, such as 1inch. This will provide maximum liquidity for the ActaFi ecosystem, ensuring that the AMM can achieve the most efficient prices for its assets. 


Finally, ActaFi Swap will include a token bridge as a secondary function built into the swap, allowing users to benefit from access to greater liquidity for an asset on other blockchains (e.g. Ethereum, Cardano and Avalanche.). Consequently, users have the best possible price outcome for the assets they want to exchange. This is a feature of the most sophisticated DeFi ecosystems, but is often too complex for regular users to make use of. ActaFi Swap will simplify the user experience to make toke bridges more accessible to the regular user. 


For more information on ActaFi Swap, read this blog


Building on a Year of Success 


Both ActaFi’s rebrand and the development of its own AMM follow a year of positive press, business development and community building for the ActaFi team. The team received an award for Best DeFi Project of the Year at the AIBC Summit in Malta in November 2021. Consequently, the team attracted the attention of several KOLs in the crypto space, including over 70 YouTubers with a global reach of over 8 million people. The team also managed to secure an investment from Roger Ver (AKA Crypto Jesus), former CEO of and early investor in Bitcoin.


The ActaFi team are now leveraging this success to position themselves at the forefront of the DeFi space, with the rebrand putting emphasis firmly on development. 


For more information on how Acta Finance is positioning itself as a leading innovator in the DeFi space, visit their website here


Follow ActaFi on Twitter 

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Stay up-to-date with ActaFi on Medium 


Media Contact Details

Contact Email: 


ACTA FINANCE is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.



The post Acta Finance Enters The Avalanche Ecosystem After Successfully Rebranding From ADA Finance appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.

Bitcoin PR Buzz – World´s First Crypto PR Agency with 9+ Years, 900+ clients, 1500+ press releases

Source: BRPB Feed

Acta Finance Enters The Avalanche Ecosystem After Successfully Rebranding From ADA Finance

Acta Finance Enters The Avalanche Ecosystem After Successfully Rebranding From ADA Financeconsole.debug(‘TRINITY_WP’, ‘Skip player from rendering’, ‘is single: , is main loop: 1, is main query: 1’);console.debug(‘TRINITY_WP’, ‘trinity_content_filter’);

Press Release: DeFi ecosystem, ADA Finance, has rebranded to Acta Finance, launching a new native token $ACTA, as well as developing its own AMM, ActaFi Swap.


March 14th, 2022, Mahe Victoria, Seychelles – ADA Finance, a pioneering decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem which will operate on Avalanche initially, has successfully completed a rebrand, changing its name to Acta Finance (ActaFi). In addition to this rebrand, the ActaFi team have also been developing their own native Automated Market Maker (AMM) protocol, ActaFi Swap.


The ActaFi team took the name ‘Acta’ from the latin phrase ‘Acta non verba’, which translates to ‘deeds not words’ reflecting the team’s focus on substantive development and community building within the crypto space. 


Commenting on the rebrand, ActaFi’s CEO & Founder, Christof Waton, said:


“Initially, we only wanted to launch on Cardano, but we couldn’t risk oru investors’ funds developing on an early-stage blockchain that is still prone to vulnerabilities and scalability issues. Therefore we started to develop the same ecosystem, within the same project, on Avalanche in parallel. The name ADA Finance limited the interest of people that are anti or neutral towards ADA / Cardano, with our token on Avalanche and utilities on Avalanche, it was better to perform the rebrand to a neutral name, hence Acta Finance.” 


Pioneering the DeFi space

ActaFi’s rebrand is accompanied by several new feature releases and announcements which will lay the foundation for ActaFi Swap. The first is an onchain affiliate program which will incentivise Acta community members to attract new users to the ecosystem, encouraging organic community growth. 


This will work in conjunction with the onchain staking of $ACTA, the ecosystem’s new token. Users will be able to stake $ACTA in the normal way, maturing their stake to claim governance rights in the ecosystem’s new decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) when it becomes available. 

TGE incentives for $ACTA will be made public on April 5th, 2022 and both $ACTA staking and the ecosystem’s affiliate program are currently being audited by Solidity Finance. 


A New Approach to AMMs

ActaFi’s new AMM, ActaFi Swap, is set to launch later in 2022 and will include several new features which put it at the cutting edge of AMM protocols. 


Firstly, ActaFi Swap will follow Uniswap v3’s concentrated liquidity model, a model that allows liquidity to be allocated within a custom price range. Although this requires more maintenance than the passive function adopted by most common AMMs, the ability to customize price ranges  allows liquidity providers to provide their capital in a more efficient way according to their needs. As a result it is preferred by experienced digital asset managers, market makers and funds as it allows them to act more dynamically to market changes. 


Secondly, the ActaFi team is targeting decentralization and interoperability from the offset like competing aggregators, such as 1inch. This will provide maximum liquidity for the ActaFi ecosystem, ensuring that the AMM can achieve the most efficient prices for its assets. 


Finally, ActaFi Swap will include a token bridge as a secondary function built into the swap, allowing users to benefit from access to greater liquidity for an asset on other blockchains (e.g. Ethereum, Cardano and Avalanche.). Consequently, users have the best possible price outcome for the assets they want to exchange. This is a feature of the most sophisticated DeFi ecosystems, but is often too complex for regular users to make use of. ActaFi Swap will simplify the user experience to make toke bridges more accessible to the regular user. 


For more information on ActaFi Swap, read this blog


Building on a Year of Success 


Both ActaFi’s rebrand and the development of its own AMM follow a year of positive press, business development and community building for the ActaFi team. The team received an award for Best DeFi Project of the Year at the AIBC Summit in Malta in November 2021. Consequently, the team attracted the attention of several KOLs in the crypto space, including over 70 YouTubers with a global reach of over 8 million people. The team also managed to secure an investment from Roger Ver (AKA Crypto Jesus), former CEO of and early investor in Bitcoin.


The ActaFi team are now leveraging this success to position themselves at the forefront of the DeFi space, with the rebrand putting emphasis firmly on development. 


For more information on how Acta Finance is positioning itself as a leading innovator in the DeFi space, visit their website here


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ACTA FINANCE is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.



The post Acta Finance Enters The Avalanche Ecosystem After Successfully Rebranding From ADA Finance appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.

Bitcoin PR Buzz – World´s First Crypto PR Agency with 9+ Years, 900+ clients, 1500+ press releases

Source: BPRB Feed

Source: thinkbitcoins

RR2 Capital Expands Portfolio with Strategic Investment in DAG-based DeFi Platform Aleph Zero

RR2-Capital-x-alephconsole.debug(‘TRINITY_WP’, ‘Skip player from rendering’, ‘is single: , is main loop: 1, is main query: 1’);console.debug(‘TRINITY_WP’, ‘trinity_content_filter’);

Press Release: RR2 Capital is expanding its disruptive technology investment portfolio, announcing a strategic investment into privacy-preserving platform, Aleph Zero.


February 14th, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal – RR² Capital, a pioneering venture capital firm empowering the ‘new internet’, has announced a strategic investment in cutting-edge DAG-based DeFi platform Aleph Zero. The move forms part of a calculated expansion in RR²’s disruptive technology investment portfolio, which is spearheaded by a thesis centered on digital assets, blockchain technology, A.I. and Machine Learning.


The investment took place through RR² Capital’s participation in a private funding round during November 2021. With over 7 years experience as an incubator for more than 120+ disruptive start-ups RR² is poised to accelerate Aleph Zero’s rapid growth.


Aleph Zero at the Forefront of a DeFi Revolution

Aleph Zero plans to deploy the funding received in the strategic investment to expand efforts in the DLT’s ecosystem development and marketing, alongside a boost to the progressive team of blockchain visionaries driving forward the project’s roadmap. 


Substantial progress has already been made since the closure of the initial funding rounds, in just three months Aleph Zero has managed to engage a total of 30 staff on a full-time basis – including 20 software developers. The investment has also enabled Aleph Zero to bring in the expertise of more than 20 project consultants and advisors. 


Part of the strategic investment is focused on bringing awareness to the important transition into fast, low-cost, privacy-enhancing, and highly scalable blockchains that have the capacity to meet the demands of enterprise. RR² will contribute towards Aleph Zero’s community building and brand awareness, a fundamental area of strength for the venture capital firm which boasts an impressive community of over 320,000+ members. 


Explaining the ethos behind the decision to back the sophisticated blockchain venture, Richard Seiler, Partner at RR² Capital commented: 


“Firstly, our interest in DAG-based chains, Aleph Zero has designed an incredible piece of technology and we wanted to be a part of this development. Our fund mission statement says we invest in teams and projects who are developing innovative and disruptive technologies. This could not be more true than with the Aleph Zero team.” 


Speaking about the collaboration with RR² Capital, Aleph Zero’s Co-Founder, Antoni Zolciak added:


“We appreciate the relationship with RR2 Capital due to their technical know-how as well as appreciation not only for the project’s market share potential, but also for the design of the technology itself. We see RR2 as value-add investors.”


About Aleph Zero

Aleph Zero is a privacy-focused, DAG-based layer 1 protocol, designed to provide a solution to the ‘blockchain trilemma’, a protocol level issue with blockchain technology that forces blockchain-based protocols to trade off between decentralization, scalability and security. By utilizing DAG as an intermediate data structure, Aleph Zero managed to achieve instant transaction finality, yet still produce blockchain as a result.


Powered by a novel consensus protocol presented at the Advances in Financial Technology conference in 2019, Aleph Zero upgrades current decentralized ledger technology to provide near-zero fees, privacy and the potential for infinite scalability, as well as true decentralization. The team behind Aleph Zero’s core development, Cardinal Cryptography, also secured a Web3 Foundation grant for development of Substrate randomness beacon.


The Aleph Zero team’s mission is to enable access to a world-class decentralized infrastructure by bringing transparency and privacy to individuals and institutions whenever they seek to directly exchange value with one another.


Alpha Zero is currently in phase 3 of their ambitious roadmap, which include the implementation of native tokens transfers on its mainnet, the introduction of smart contracts and the integration of commonly-used programming language Rust.


About RR² Capital

RR² Capital is a Lisbon-based venture capital firm which specializes in disruptive technology spaces such as decentralized ledger technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning and digital assets. They believe that many traditional businesses and organizations will implement these technologies, adding immense value to the core of those businesses.


RR² Capital’s mission is to capture this value by investing in early stage projects and teams leading this innovation, as well as those businesses that are promoting adoption. The team operates a strategy centered on a long-term vision, developing long standing relationships, utilizing trusted advisors in decision-making, building an integrated network of first-movers and instilling the trait of flexibility in its team. 


This has positioned RR² Capital as experts in value creation, reporting 1,011% returns across a portfolio of 120+ investments in 2021.


For more information about RR2 and their expansive disruptive technology-focussed investment portfolio, visit their website here


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RR² CAPITAL is the source of this content. This press release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.


The post RR2 Capital Expands Portfolio with Strategic Investment in DAG-based DeFi Platform Aleph Zero appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.

Bitcoin PR Buzz – World´s First Crypto PR Agency with 9+ Years, 900+ clients, 1500+ press releases

Source: BRPB Feed

RR2 Capital Expands Portfolio with Strategic Investment in DAG-based DeFi Platform Aleph Zero


Press Release: RR2 Capital is expanding its disruptive technology investment portfolio, announcing a strategic investment into privacy-preserving platform, Aleph Zero.


February 14th, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal – RR² Capital, a pioneering venture capital firm empowering the ‘new internet’, has announced a strategic investment in cutting-edge DAG-based DeFi platform Aleph Zero. The move forms part of a calculated expansion in RR²’s disruptive technology investment portfolio, which is spearheaded by a thesis centered on digital assets, blockchain technology, A.I. and Machine Learning.


The investment took place through RR² Capital’s participation in a private funding round during November 2021. With over 7 years experience as an incubator for more than 120+ disruptive start-ups RR² is poised to accelerate Aleph Zero’s rapid growth.


Aleph Zero at the Forefront of a DeFi Revolution

Aleph Zero plans to deploy the funding received in the strategic investment to expand efforts in the DLT’s ecosystem development and marketing, alongside a boost to the progressive team of blockchain visionaries driving forward the project’s roadmap. 


Substantial progress has already been made since the closure of the initial funding rounds, in just three months Aleph Zero has managed to engage a total of 30 staff on a full-time basis – including 20 software developers. The investment has also enabled Aleph Zero to bring in the expertise of more than 20 project consultants and advisors. 


Part of the strategic investment is focused on bringing awareness to the important transition into fast, low-cost, privacy-enhancing, and highly scalable blockchains that have the capacity to meet the demands of enterprise. RR² will contribute towards Aleph Zero’s community building and brand awareness, a fundamental area of strength for the venture capital firm which boasts an impressive community of over 320,000+ members. 


Explaining the ethos behind the decision to back the sophisticated blockchain venture, Richard Seiler, Partner at RR² Capital commented: 


“Firstly, our interest in DAG-based chains, Aleph Zero has designed an incredible piece of technology and we wanted to be a part of this development. Our fund mission statement says we invest in teams and projects who are developing innovative and disruptive technologies. This could not be more true than with the Aleph Zero team.” 


Speaking about the collaboration with RR² Capital, Aleph Zero’s Co-Founder, Antoni Zolciak added:


“We appreciate the relationship with RR2 Capital due to their technical know-how as well as appreciation not only for the project’s market share potential, but also for the design of the technology itself. We see RR2 as value-add investors.”


About Aleph Zero

Aleph Zero is a privacy-focused, DAG-based layer 1 protocol, designed to provide a solution to the ‘blockchain trilemma’, a protocol level issue with blockchain technology that forces blockchain-based protocols to trade off between decentralization, scalability and security. By utilizing DAG as an intermediate data structure, Aleph Zero managed to achieve instant transaction finality, yet still produce blockchain as a result.


Powered by a novel consensus protocol presented at the Advances in Financial Technology conference in 2019, Aleph Zero upgrades current decentralized ledger technology to provide near-zero fees, privacy and the potential for infinite scalability, as well as true decentralization. The team behind Aleph Zero’s core development, Cardinal Cryptography, also secured a Web3 Foundation grant for development of Substrate randomness beacon.


The Aleph Zero team’s mission is to enable access to a world-class decentralized infrastructure by bringing transparency and privacy to individuals and institutions whenever they seek to directly exchange value with one another.


Alpha Zero is currently in phase 3 of their ambitious roadmap, which include the implementation of native tokens transfers on its mainnet, the introduction of smart contracts and the integration of commonly-used programming language Rust.


About RR² Capital

RR² Capital is a Lisbon-based venture capital firm which specializes in disruptive technology spaces such as decentralized ledger technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning and digital assets. They believe that many traditional businesses and organizations will implement these technologies, adding immense value to the core of those businesses.


RR² Capital’s mission is to capture this value by investing in early stage projects and teams leading this innovation, as well as those businesses that are promoting adoption. The team operates a strategy centered on a long-term vision, developing long standing relationships, utilizing trusted advisors in decision-making, building an integrated network of first-movers and instilling the trait of flexibility in its team. 


This has positioned RR² Capital as experts in value creation, reporting 1,011% returns across a portfolio of 120+ investments in 2021.


For more information about RR2 and their expansive disruptive technology-focussed investment portfolio, visit their website here


Follow RR² Capital on Twitter


Media Contact Details

Contact Email:


RR² CAPITAL is the source of this content. This press release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest.


The post RR2 Capital Expands Portfolio with Strategic Investment in DAG-based DeFi Platform Aleph Zero appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.

Bitcoin PR Buzz – World´s First Crypto PR Agency with 9+ Years, 900+ clients, 1500+ press releases

Source: BPRB Feed

Source: thinkbitcoins